Leave The Formalities At The Door

Many times we think that we have to be so formal when we talk to God. Think about the type of people that we usually get formal with. Usually its people we don’t know, people we want to impress, or people who we respect but don’t know well. Some of us do that with parents who we respect but most of the time they aren’t very close to us. If we try to be formal with a close friend or relative, they would begin to wonder if there was something wrong with us. God is closer than the closest friend. He is kind and compassionate. He loves without limits. He forgives so easily even though He knows our hearts and all our secrets. He is patient and waits on us. He even allows us choices when we insist on doing life our way. He is the perfect Gentleman, He never barges into our lives. He knocks at the door of our heart and request entry. He watches over us and comforts us in the darkest times of our lives. He laughs with us and smiles with us. He blesses us when we don’t expect it. He carries us when we don’t know how to do life on our own. He is a true friend. So why is it that when we talk with Him, we act as if He is a stranger or some unknown person. Can you imagine how He feels when we come to Him as if He is a stranger. It must hurt Him to hear our conversation. He desires to walk with us as He...

Count Every Challenge As An Opportunity To Grow

When we stand with the Lord, there are no mistakes. Everything that we go through has a purpose in our Christian walk. Paul the apostle says that we should count it all joy when we face these challenges. God walks with us every day, even when life makes it seem like we are walking alone. He never leaves us or forsakes us and He never makes bad decisions in our lives. He says in His Word that He challenges us because He loves us. He also says that He will never allow us to face challenges that are more than we can bare.  Sometimes we face some challenges that causes us to wonder where God is but keep it in the forefront of your mind that He faces every one of those challenges with us. We don’t know what our limits are and that is why we sometimes get angry at God. He knows us more than we can ever know ourselves. He made us and He wants us to expand to use the potential that He has built into us. Potential is unused energy both in science and in us Christians. We must learn to trust our God. We need to know from the depths of our beings that He only wants the best for us. He does not lie nor can He tell a lie, so trust Him. We have to remember that He payed the ultimate price for us even when we were sinners without any hope. If He can do that for rebels and vagabond, which we were, what will He do for us who...

We Must Learn To Count Our Blessings

God is awesome and wonderful. He does so many things in our lives on a daily basis that we could never count them all. We as fallen humans look for what we didn’t get or what prayer He didn’t answer. It is amazing that we don’t thank Him for the prayers that He did answer. He never stops working on our behalf, 24 hours a day 7 days a week. He takes care of things that we don’t even know to ask Him for. He protects us from dangers that we cannot see. He keeps our minds from being overwhelmed by the enemy. There are so many things that God does that we could never number them because we would have to be Him to know all that He does.  Every day when we are blessed to receive a fresh new day to live and breathe, we are to get on our knees before doing anything else for the day and give God thanks for allowing us this awesome blessing. Without life, nothing else would matter for the rest of the day. Getting your coffee, your breakfast, your shower, your clothing, getting to work, all that would never be possible without the first breath of the day. We are to give thanks as the first effort that we put forth for the day. God is worthy. Most of us start thinking about what we are going to wear and all the other things that we need to get and on and on. We are to thank God for the clothing that we have in our closets, the shoes that...

The Christ In Me Requires The Best From Me

When Jesus came to earth to give His life as a living sacrifice, He gave His best to His Father. He always made time with His Father a great priority, He made time for His friends, He served with His whole heart, He never compromised His Father’s standards for the world’s standards, He loved with His whole heart, He gave His Father His best. We are tempted everyday to compromise on excellence and give the least of ourselves but God gave us our potentials and gifts so that we can make excellence our standards. The reason for this is that we are His ambassadors and when our lives are lived in excellence, we testify of Him. Many of us may be  shy to witness but our lives lived in excellence will be our testimonies. When we give God our best in everything that we do, He will get the glory and honor. Sometimes when we do something, at work, at church, as a favor, we think that we are just doing it unto the person or employer or friend or family but in reality we are doing it unto the Lord. Most of the time those people may not know what our attitudes are in our giving or service but God our Father knows. There is a story that goes like this: A retiring carpenter told his boss that he was retiring but the boss said to the carpenter, just build me this one last house and then you can retire. The carpenter was tired of his work because he had been doing it for so many years and...

When Will We Yield To God’s Way?

God’s way is the right way! We think that our self confidence and self image is most important but it is confidence in Christ that matters and having the image of Christ as our image that is of utmost importance. Sometimes God takes us through the detours of life just to have us yield to His way. Many of us have many talents and if He allowed us to depend on our talents, we would never have a need for Him in our lives. Without God directing us we will go astray like the characters in story of the Tower of Babel in the Old Testament. God knows us better than we know our selves and He wants us to yield our carnal nature to Him so that our flesh will be under the Spirit control. The enemy of our soul, the devil, knows how to manipulate the unyielding flesh to do his wicked deeds. Sometimes we only see the short term effects of the actions that we take and to us it looks great but God knows the long term plan of the enemy. God knows how devastating its effect will work out in our lives. He knows that the enemy does not play games, he plays for keeps. We are in need of God’s direction and the only way that we can have Him lead us is when we yield to Him. He is not a dictator that He will force us to yield to Him, we always have a choice and with that choice we have to take responsibility for our decisions. God, has the best...