God’s way is the right way! We think that our self confidence and self image is most important but it is confidence in Christ that matters and having the image of Christ as our image that is of utmost importance. Sometimes God takes us through the detours of life just to have us yield to His way. Many of us have many talents and if He allowed us to depend on our talents, we would never have a need for Him in our lives. Without God directing us we will go astray like the characters in story of the Tower of Babel in the Old Testament.
God knows us better than we know our selves and He wants us to yield our carnal nature to Him so that our flesh will be under the Spirit control. The enemy of our soul, the devil, knows how to manipulate the unyielding flesh to do his wicked deeds. Sometimes we only see the short term effects of the actions that we take and to us it looks great but God knows the long term plan of the enemy. God knows how devastating its effect will work out in our lives. He knows that the enemy does not play games, he plays for keeps.
We are in need of God’s direction and the only way that we can have Him lead us is when we yield to Him. He is not a dictator that He will force us to yield to Him, we always have a choice and with that choice we have to take responsibility for our decisions. God, has the best way for us. He knows what we need and how to maximize us to be our best. Talent comes from Him but when we place talent before Him, we miss the desire of God’s heart. God desires our best.
Every step closer to God is one step closer to our true purpose on this earth. God will take the guess work out of the process of finding out what His desire is for us. He will take away the frustration and the bad decisions that we make when we allow anxiety to triumph over us. We will know for sure without any doubt that where we are going is the way that He desires for us to go. One thing though, He protects us from our flesh by not telling us everything at once. Allow Him to take you on the ride of your life by yielding to His will.
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