by theThinker | Feb 16, 2013 | spiritual thoughts
We celebrate Valentines on February 14th, every year but we celebrate our true love at Easter. “For God so love the world that He gave His only begotten son, that who soever believes in Him should have everlasting life.” John 3:16. What love He has shown us, what kindness. God in His holiness could not save us because of our sin but He made a way through His son Jesus Christ. He left His royal thrown with His Father willingly, not forced, no resentment, like a lamb to the slaughter. How awesome is that! Christ came to earth, born as a baby, grew as a child, worked as an adult and died as our savior. He wanted to save us from our sins because without His gift of life, we would not have redemption from our sins. The severity of this is not understood by us at the divine level. Sin and righteousness are like oil and water, they cannot mix. God would not be able to allow us into His presence, we were doomed to die. That is why the love that Christ showed us is so awesome. Let us meditate on this gift of love that our God has bestowed on us. This is true...
by theThinker | Feb 9, 2013 | spiritual thoughts, Worship and praise
God gives us an abundance of resources to sustain us while we are here on earth but abusing this privilege is detrimental to our safe existence here on earth. That is why we have the GREEN Revolution taking place all around us. What about the Spiritual GREEN revolution? Did you we know that we need to be aware of the waste of God’s precious resources? We are blessed on a daily basis and most times we think that because God is abundant in all things, that it is alright to waste His resources. A long time now I have learned that all things natural are a lesson that we need to apply to things spiritual. Take time and check out the spiritual waste that we have going on in our lives. God will bless but He will also withhold from us blessings that He desired to give because of our misuse. Take time out and look at how our abuse and misuse of God’s resources could be affecting our...
by theThinker | Jan 3, 2013 | faith, spiritual thoughts
God created us to grow and keep on maturing, never reaching perfection but approaching excellence. This year is a new canvas for us to paint our finest work that we can. There are no limitation placed on us, only the one that we set for ourselves. We are our greatest critic. This year is a year of stepping out of our own way. Make a promise to yourself that you will listen only to the Word of God for counsel, never to any negative, whether from our self or others. The scripture says that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. That is all we need to know, God strengthens us to take on any task that presents itself. I pray that we will prosper and have excellent health. We belong to God and He says He will never leave us or forsakes us. What greater promise can any one give to another, Christ gave it to us and He sealed it with His blood. Take this year and make it work for you in the...
by theThinker | Nov 29, 2012 | faith, spiritual thoughts
Sometimes the Lord allows us to be in growth producing situations and these situations may feel uncomfortable but they will produce results if we count it towards the glory of God. The Lord knows what we need to get us pass the level we are at but we ourselves don’t. He knows what the process is and how it will all develop. He doesn’t tell us of His plan most of the time because we are weak and He wants to develop trust in us for Himself. Its like walking blindfolded through a room filled with priceless artifacts. We need a guide who knows the way to our destination, in our case our Lord Jesus is our guide. He knows how to get us to higher levels of faith and without this growth we become stagnant and ultimately useless in the kingdom of God. We have to constantly grow and mature so that we can resist our enemy the devil. He will never stop his attack on us but we have a Savior who will never stop protecting us. His Holy Spirit will continuously be by our side through our journey. He knows all the tricks and traps of the enemy and He knows how to help us escape them. God also has the challenges that He allows us to pass through, Psalm 23. You will have to pass through the valley of the shadow of death but the Lord said that we need not fear any evil because He is with us. These challenges are designed to make us stronger because they stretch us and force us...
by theThinker | Oct 14, 2012 | faith, spiritual thoughts
The Lord provides ample opportunities for us to receive help but many time we are too proud to receive it. We say things like “we are OK”, “things couldn’t be any better”, knowing honestly that things aren’t good. Could it be that the Lord was sending that person to help but our attitude turned them off? The Lord takes care of our needs but sometimes He wants to teach us humility by bringing that help through an unfamiliar source. We have to remain open to God’s movement in our lives. He is far wiser and He abounds with unsearchable His actions. He is past finding out or figuring out. God is a mystery in all that He does but when we are open to His movement, He familiarizes Himself with us. God will become a close friend and because of our reading and studying, we will understand through His Holy Spirit what He will do and what He will not. God makes Himself a friend to those who want Him as a friend. Sometimes we have to humble our egos and ask Him for help. Its not a bother to Him. He says to knock and seek and we will find and the door will be open. He says that He will not give us a serpent if we ask for a fish. God will come through for us but He will not deny His nature and cause more harm with what He allows. He will always be right on time because there are no emergencies with God. He will always find the best help for us, all we...
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