Sometimes the Lord allows us to be in growth producing situations and these situations may feel uncomfortable but they will produce results if we count it towards the glory of God. The Lord knows what we need to get us pass the level we are at but we ourselves don’t. He knows what the process is and how it will all develop. He doesn’t tell us of His plan most of the time because we are weak and He wants to develop trust in us for Himself.


Its like walking blindfolded through a room filled with priceless artifacts. We need a guide who knows the way to our destination, in our case our Lord Jesus is our guide. He knows how to get us to higher levels of faith and without this growth we become stagnant and ultimately useless in the kingdom of God. We have to constantly grow and mature so that we can resist our enemy the devil. He will never stop his attack on us but we have a Savior who will never stop protecting us. His Holy Spirit will continuously be by our side through our journey. He knows all the tricks and traps of the enemy and He knows how to help us escape them.

God also has the challenges that He allows us to pass through, Psalm 23. You will have to pass through the valley of the shadow of death but the Lord said that we need not fear any evil because He is with us. These challenges are designed to make us stronger because they stretch us and force us out of our comfort zone. We have to be stretched in order for us to grow. Sometimes the Lord will have to prune us in order to get rid of some of the dead things in our lives. Other times He will have to allow us to travel alone but yet He stays quietly by our sides. These times are when we learn to call on Him and learn to depend on Him because He wants to be needed by us.

God is wise and without the challenges we would not grow into the persons that He wants us to develop into. He will never leave us but He never promise that He will always be talking with us on our journey. At times we will not feel like He is there but He is. He knows what we can bare and He will never allows us to be trampled by anything that is too heavy for us. He will always be right by our sides. Trust Him with yourself and He promises that He will never fail us.