When we stand with the Lord, there are no mistakes. Everything that we go through has a purpose in our Christian walk. Paul the apostle says that we should count it all joy when we face these challenges. God walks with us every day, even when life makes it seem like we are walking alone. He never leaves us or forsakes us and He never makes bad decisions in our lives. He says in His Word that He challenges us because He loves us. He also says that He will never allow us to face challenges that are more than we can bare.
Sometimes we face some challenges that causes us to wonder where God is but keep it in the forefront of your mind that He faces every one of those challenges with us. We don’t know what our limits are and that is why we sometimes get angry at God. He knows us more than we can ever know ourselves. He made us and He wants us to expand to use the potential that He has built into us. Potential is unused energy both in science and in us Christians. We must learn to trust our God. We need to know from the depths of our beings that He only wants the best for us. He does not lie nor can He tell a lie, so trust Him.
We have to remember that He payed the ultimate price for us even when we were sinners without any hope. If He can do that for rebels and vagabond, which we were, what will He do for us who has been wash in His blood. He will protect us as a mother protects her new born child. God is our Father and He will bless us with what He knows is best for us. We are limited in everything but He is infinite in His knowledge.
When we face life head on, ask your Lord and Savior to go before you. He will lead if you are willing to accept His leading. You cannot take the lead back when you don’t understand His direction. Trust Him with your life and He will see you through all of life. Sometimes the road may have potholes and detours but trust Him. When you can’t see your way, place your hand in His hand. When it all doesn’t make sense and it looks easier to turn and go your own way, trust Him. When family and friends seem to know what is best for you, trust God. Many times the temporal view looks great but it may lead you away from your destination. God sees the temporal and He sees the final destination. We have to learn to trust Him because He desires the best for us.
Every challenge completed with the Lord’s help will lead us to greater maturity in our faith. We may not see it but God will use our new strength for His purpose. He never just challenges us for us to do nothing with our new found knowledge, He allows us to grow in a new challenge using what we learned in our pass successes. God desires fruit from our lives. Any of His children that does not produce fruit is not growing. He has a way of causing growth to take place but He may have to prune and uproot us from our stagnant state. The process may be very painful but His aim is to get fruit from us because He loves growth.
God loves us so much that He will challenge us to the point of frustrating us because He desires us to grow and have abundant fruit. His love for us is so deep and wide that our temporal comfort is less important to Him than our eternal life with Him. He is not afraid to correct us because He loves us. We must know that He desires our best always. When you accept that knowledge, challenges will become much easier to face.
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