Taking Christ with us in the challenging situations

Many of times we go through challenging situations, where we don’t know how we are going to make it through. At those times many of us leave the Lord out of these situations and try to go it alone, thinking that we can find the answer on our own. That is a lie from the enemy of our souls. Those times are the perfect times for God to show us that He enjoys working for us, especially on things that we think is impossible. God is right there with us because He says that He will never leave us or forsake us and He always keeps His word.  We do the same thing with our close friends. We think that when we are facing our challenges, we will be bothering them if we ask for help, that is what friends are for. That is the time that we need to go to our Father Who Art In Heaven and tell Him what our challenge is. He wants us to tell Him even though He already knows. He wants us to depend on Him in the good times and the bad times. Our Lord is a friend and He will never criticize us when we come to Him. He will listen to our prayer and if we draw closer to Him through His word and prayer, He will answer our prayers. When we draw near to Him, He draws near to us. His word is true in all situations. You just have to trust Him. Sometimes He will answer you while you are reading or He will bring back a...

How do you tell Jesus that you love Him?

That is very simple, when you keep His words in your heart. How do you keep His words in your heart? When you study His word and talk them back to Him in prayer. When we fall in love with someone, we try to learn as much about that person as we can find out. We want to know their favorite color, their shoe size, their clothing size, their favorite type of food, just about every detail that we can find. We take our time to write that information down so that we can go back and refresh our minds. Sometimes we tell the person back the information just to show them that we were paying attention. Many times when we go to the store we buy the person little presents and cards and other things that they told us that they liked. Our minds are totally on that person as often as possible. That is the same way were are to be with our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. We are to study Him and pay attention to His likes and dislikes, we are to do what His word says. Christ is not a task master or ungrateful in His reception of our love. He knows when we genuinely like Him. He knows when we show interest in Him by dedicating our time to getting to know Him. He appreciates the attention that we put on Him. When we show love to one another, He feel that love. When we are kind to others, He feels that kindness. When we naturally love with our action, He gets all...

Jesus The Friend Above All Friends

We live in a time where depression and lack of close friendships are at an epidemic level. We have been hurt so many times that, allowing someone into our lives is the last thing on our minds. The thought is, if we don’t already have the friendship, its too late. That is the plan of the enemy. The enemy plans to corner us in a little box and see us die of loneliness. I once heard a wise person said that the way to get pass depression is to go out and serve someone who has no way of returning the favor. Friends are what growing and maturing is made of. We get disappointed by them but they bring us much happiness and release. Much of our time is been consumed by the unimportant things in life and less by the presence of important people. At this point in our maturity as believers, we need to search for significance because only significant things last. Having a relationship with Jesus Christ is very significant. The only challenge we have is getting to know Him. He has left us a road map and a love letter, one to find Him and the other to keep us as we search for Him. Jesus is madly in love with us and He has it all written down for us to read. His love is unconditional and absolutely real. The more we learn to trust His word and His direction for our life, is the more He draws closer to us. He will fill the void in our lives. He will be a true...

Having Faith Is Perpetual

Faith is always in action, never passively waiting. We don’t just believe God for one thing and then doubt Him for other things. We don’t just believe and sit back and wait to see what God will do next. We will have to keep seeking and and knocking, searching and listening for His voice. His voice is heard by those who spend quality time in communion with Him. Its like knowing a spouse, the more quality time we spend with them is the more we understand them. Having faith in God is necessary for us to please Him. Without faith we cannot please God. Having faith requires us to dedicate time to be with the Lord. He desires the best that we have to give, not the leftovers. God desires quality time, not just quantity time. We know that we can spend a lot of time with friends and feel like we wasted our time. God wants to spend time with us as He did with our Savior and with Adam. When we learn to hear His voice and know it, we won,t mistake it for the enemy. Sometimes the enemy’s voice sounds so authentic but it goes against what the Word of God says. God’s children knows His voice really well. Faith come when we are in tune with the Lord and we only seek what is in line with His Word. When we learn to pray in line with the Word of God, He hears us and He answers our requests. It still requires us to wait on Him because His timing is always accurate. He sees...

Trusting God To Take Care of You

The scripture says to “trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not on our own understanding and to acknowledge Him and He will direct our path.” He never lies nor can He lie, He is totally accountable for all His words. Nothing present or in the future can change His word. The universe hinges on His word. We can trust God’s word. We can see God’s word come alive in Jesus Christ. Our Lord is capable of taking care of us in all situations.  Sometimes it may seem that He is missing in action but He is right there by our sides. He allows us the freedom to depend on Him or to try to live independent of Him. He loves us so much that he will give us our freedom to make our own choices even when we are stubborn and disobedient. Sometimes we take control after giving Him control, thinking that we can do better or faster than how God is doing things but He gives us our freedom to choose. He sometimes steps in and stops us because He loves us and He knows our choices would cause serious harm. God is reliable and we can trust Him totally. We don’t need to micromanage God, He can do what we don’t know how to do. He sees the whole picture. Trusting God is necessary to build our faith in Him. We have to believe that He will “keep that which we have committed unto Him.” We also have to believe deep in our hearts that He truly wants the best for our lives....