Goals, You Succeed With Them or Fail Without Them

Setting a target is what a goal is. With a goal you know where you’re going but without one you wonder aimlessly from project to project. The Lord desires us to have a direction, a target, a mission to accomplish. He doesn’t have anything to work with when we are goalless. Someone once told me that, “God cannot move a parked car.” I truly believe that. We have to be moving, going some where in order to accomplish anything. We have to set them and be courageous enough to complete them. Sometimes the journey to completion will get tough but in the end it will be worth it. Setting goals is necessary for everyone, especially those wanting to...

Knowing When It Is Time To Let Go And Let God

God is all wise but we are most of the time all foolish. This is even more magnified when we think that we know more than God. He allows us to have a choice even when He knows that we lack foresight and understanding. God knows we are mere flesh and blood and we need His help to make it through this world victoriously. One thing that He does not do is take away our choice, we have the freedom to choose Him and His ways or our own ways. Knowing when to lay our choice at His feet is when life becomes exciting. When we live with the anticipation of what God will do next in our lives, it brings excitement and a youthfulness to our lives. Its like living a real mystery but knowing what the end will be. He will guide us through to the end. He has already told us that we have already won, we are victorious. That is...

Undergoing to be an Overcomer

This prayer is from “Tough Minded Faith For Tender Hearted People” by Robert H Schuller Scripture: “This is the victory that has overcome the world- our faith.” - 1 John 5:4 Almighty God, You know what I am undergoing. Help me to overcome. Don’t let me become a pessimist. Preserve my optimistic outlook. I may lose many things, Father, but let me never lose my faith. Lord, you were the Under-goer who became the Over-comer! You died on the cross; You rose on Easter. Today hundreds of millions of people around the world know You, love You, respect You, admire You, draw inspiration and life from You! You promise to be my Friend. You promise that if I keep believing I will win. You promise: “This is the victory that has overcome the world- our faith.” Give me the courage to overcome the negative feelings that may depress my spirit, deflate my hopes, and defuse my enthusiasm. My faith tells me that I have Your power within me now, because You are standing beside  me, encouraging me all the way with Your promise, “Victory will be yours, My friend.” Thank You, Jesus Christ....

What is Your Quitting Point?

Life is tough but God is able to take us through. How much will you take before you quit on your God. When everything is going out of control and your not in control any longer, will you tell God it is enough. How about when you’ve prayed for healing for a long time, or you’ve prayed for healing for a close relative or friend but they don’t get healed. Will that do it for your faith? What about when you have prayed for a spouse because life just gets so lonely at times and you have almost reached the end of your child baring years but your prayers have not been answered. Will that do it for your faith? How about you praying for a financial breakthrough because your bills have caught up with you and your credit is being ruined. Will that do for your faith? What is your quitting point? The Bible said that all those who decide to live for Christ will suffer persecution. Could it be that God just wants you to see what you’re made of. Sometimes we think that we have reached our limit but God wants to show us that we can go farther than we think. He wants to stretch us to a new level but the process hurts because we resist the unknown. All of us have to go through this process of growth. Some people choose not to and they fight the process and never really grow and others just reach the point where it became too hard and they quit. God is our trainer and He knows...

Quitting Is Not An Option

It doesn’t matter what we go through in life, quitting is not one of our options. We have to believe in ourselves even when no one believes in us because God does. He may not come when we want Him to but He honors our efforts. We cannot quit on ourselves because we are all we’ve got. The world is not fare most of the time and our dependance is always on God, not on our own strength. We will cry and we may even come to the edge of our faith but we must try to remember that He says that He will never leaves us or forsake us.God is good all the time. His promises are for all times. He never changes His mind. His Word is settled in heaven and He says that before any of His word changes, the world will pass away. He desires the best for us and He is always on time. As long as our desires are in alignment with His will for us, He will grant us the desires of our hearts. He has perfect knowledge and the future is His present because time is only in our domain. He is past, present and future all at once. So, we have to trust that He knows what He is doing and that He is doing what is best for...