Living For Christ in An Upside Down World

Sometimes we wonder what is happening to this world, where will we go or what will we do. We sometimes loose sight of heaven because of the challenges that we face and the many things that we see all around us. If we aren’t careful we can loose hope. We have to look up for our redemption draws near. Our Lord is coming back for His chosen and we have to remain ready for His return. All around us is falling apart. There is no safe haven here on earth because times are just hard. We are hard pressed on every side. God knows how bad things are getting. That is why He left us His peace, His Holy Spirit. Without Him we won’t last. I pray that we will remain steadfast unmovable and always abounding in the Word of God and continue doing His work. All that we can count on is His return. God be with us as we live for Him daily in this...

Waiting On God For Direction

The scripture says “wait on the Lord and be of good courage and He will strengthen your heart..” It takes the Holy Spirit to strengthen us to wait. We always want to act in our own timing but God does not operate on our schedule, He has His schedule to follow. The great thing about that is that He knows what is the best for us in all things. Sometimes we want to rush ahead of God and sometimes we want to wait way pass the time He wants us to act. It takes the guidance of the Holy Spirit to tell us when is the right time. Our vision is limited to today, this moment. We don’t know the future, not even a second from now. God sees the entire picture of our lives all at once. He isn’t constrained by time as we are but He will not override our will. He will take our yielded wills and make it work to bring Him honor and work out for our best. Sometimes the moments that we experience cause us to wonder if what is happening to us is the best for us but as long as God is directing us, it is the best even if it hurts us. God knows what He is doing. He knows that the fire that we go through is designed to get rid of the things that will not last. He is bring the valuables to the top. The real valuables that is left after the purging will last for all eternity. That is what He is after. We have to...

Be Courageous Christian

Time and time again I hear people in parting say, “take care.” This morning I was reading an entry by Dr. Shuller and he addressed this same topic. Why should we be careful and not take risks? That is what we are saying when we tell people to be careful. We are to be courageous and attack life with Christ before us. We are to be victorious in our daily journey, never wimping out or taking it easy. Our enemy isn’t taking it easy or careful, so why should we? He is our adversary, our foe, our enemy, never our friend. We must be courageous or we will be defeated in our daily walk. So I say to you and myself, “be strong in the Lord and the power of His might…” Let us remain victorious as we put on Christ...

Quitting Is Not An Option

It doesn’t matter what we go through in life, quitting is not one of our options. We have to believe in ourselves even when no one believes in us because God does. He may not come when we want Him to but He honors our efforts. We cannot quit on ourselves because we are all we’ve got. The world is not fare most of the time and our dependance is always on God, not on our own strength. We will cry and we may even come to the edge of our faith but we must try to remember that He says that He will never leaves us or forsake us.God is good all the time. His promises are for all times. He never changes His mind. His Word is settled in heaven and He says that before any of His word changes, the world will pass away. He desires the best for us and He is always on time. As long as our desires are in alignment with His will for us, He will grant us the desires of our hearts. He has perfect knowledge and the future is His present because time is only in our domain. He is past, present and future all at once. So, we have to trust that He knows what He is doing and that He is doing what is best for...

Loving Your Self

Loving God starts from loving ourselves. If we cannot love ourselves who we are with 24/7, how can we say we love God, who we have never seen. We have to appreciate our self and give our self a break. We have to learn to give our self the benefit of the doubt and stop being over critical. We have to learn to forgive ourselves when God forgives us. Sometimes we are our worst enemies. We put our self down the most. Many times we don’t even want to look in the mirror and love on ourselves. When is the last time you have taken time out to show love to yourself? When is the last time you pampered yourself? Until we learn to appreciate the gift of life that God has given to us in our self, we will never know how to love God. Loving our self does not mean giving our fleshly desires control. It means that we love our self enough to live the best life that we possibly can with the help of God’s Holy Spirit. We can say that we love Him but we will never truly be able to show Him love genuinely without loving what He loves,...