The scripture says “wait on the Lord and be of good courage and He will strengthen your heart..” It takes the Holy Spirit to strengthen us to wait. We always want to act in our own timing but God does not operate on our schedule, He has His schedule to follow. The great thing about that is that He knows what is the best for us in all things. Sometimes we want to rush ahead of God and sometimes we want to wait way pass the time He wants us to act. It takes the guidance of the Holy Spirit to tell us when is the right time.
Our vision is limited to today, this moment. We don’t know the future, not even a second from now. God sees the entire picture of our lives all at once. He isn’t constrained by time as we are but He will not override our will. He will take our yielded wills and make it work to bring Him honor and work out for our best. Sometimes the moments that we experience cause us to wonder if what is happening to us is the best for us but as long as God is directing us, it is the best even if it hurts us. God knows what He is doing. He knows that the fire that we go through is designed to get rid of the things that will not last. He is bring the valuables to the top.
The real valuables that is left after the purging will last for all eternity. That is what He is after. We have to pray through the tough times for God to direct us and keep us faithful. We may feel like He doesn’t care for us at those times but He does. If He didn’t care He wouldn’t bother with us. He would let the enemy have his way with us. God cares for His own and so He works on us as a potter works on the clay. He kneed us and break us and soak us with water and sometimes He refashion us after breaking us. God is at work in all of His children’s lives because He is preparing us for Himself. We have to pray for patience so that we remain faithful.
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